We write to let you know about the excellent service DIVINECALL provide for homes.
We help to enhance the reputation of the homes we provide services for.
DIVINECALL have developed and are still developing staff whose skills will maximize quality of life for your residents in all care homes. We press on higher standards and high quality care. We are "Commission for Social Care Inspections" registered enthusiastic, experienced and evidence based inspired Registered General Nurses and Registered Mental Health Nurses.

When you contact with DIVINECALL, you're hiring a ready-made team of health care professionals who are happy to meet your staffing challenges head-on. Our health care administrator oversees operations and maintains direct lines of communication with your facility, our staffing manager and associates. Just like your own employees, we hold our staff accountable for their attendance and work performance. Excessive call-offs, tardiness, or poor work performance is never tolerated. This ensures that the nurse/carer you contract for will be clinically proficient, reliable and exceptionally professional.

During our supply of services, we will try as much as possible to supply the same staff in order to maintain consistency and continuity of care. Hence familiar faces and voices which in turn enhances quality of life for residents.

We are happy to serve and caring is our passion. We will be pleased to hear from you, at your convenience.

Caring is our passion. Click here to read some of our Testimonials